Food 1/8 - Life-Force Power-ade (veggie juice), large salad with avacodo, tomato, red pepper, lemon juice, salt and pepper, spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and organic buckwheat pasta with spinache, mushrooms, garlic and sauce on top. Also had one thing of string cheese when I got weak at the Lego League tournament.
Food 1/9 - Life-Force Power-ade, spaghetti squash with sauce, bean soup and goat cheese...
So, what is this war on dandelions I speak of? Mankind and dandelions - both brilliantly evolved and adapted living things and both battling for what they want. The dandelion wants to spread it's seed around and man wants to either kill it for the perfect lawn or (much less often) eat it for lunch. We cut the grass low to crop off it's leaves and it's flowers but that doesn't work because it quickly puts out new shoots that flower low and go to seed before we cut again. We spray it with any number of poisons but that has the negative side effect of poisoning our yards - over use of such herbicides could even poison our whole environment. And don't forget the other important fact about life, it is so incredibly adaptable that resistance to pesticides occurs and organisms prevail over time no matter what we throw at them. The only way to win against the dandelion is to either dig out it's whole root so it can't grow back or farm it for lunch. I guess we've learned a lot from dandelions in this battle.
This is how I see my battle against candida yeast. I believe I have been treating it with pills and other medicines (herbicides so to speak) for twenty years. Taking antibiotics and applying creams for acne, taking Elmiron for interstitial cystitis, taking a vast number of drugs for my allergies (pills and nasal sprays), taking caffeine so I don't feel exhausted after my sugar crashes... it started small and got worse each year. I wasn't fat so I just kept eating the sugar - it comforted me and seemed okay since I also ate lots of healthy foods too. Anyhow, I'm trying to do a reset now. I'm trying to kill it off - dig it out by the root - and start over clean of it.
It's been 9 days but I still don't think I've gotten rid of it yet. My acne is clearing up and my cystitis does feel just fine (in fact I think I've forgotten to take my pills a few times and it hasn't seemed to matter). I think the shifting of urine pH is really going to fix the cystitis with time - I fundamentally believe it's just a matter of diet and that it has to do with pH and isn't complicated.
Here's what the book says about the infection of candida yeast:
Do you suffer from more than two of the following conditions? Eczema, acne, hives, inability to concentrate, depression, lupus, vaginal yeast infections, IBS, rectal itching, chronic fatigue? - Natalie Rose Detox for Women page 56Here's what Brenda Watson has to say in her forums about the issue:
Doing what I do, I have a lot of folks come to me with problems like heartburn, constipation, gas and bloating—things that make you think right off the bat, “That’s a digestive issue.” But what about problems like fatigue or weight gain? Even allergies, joint pain or skin problems? What a lot of people don’t realize is that all of these things are connected, and they all come back to your gut.
I have a new book coming out called The Road to Perfect Health, and in it I talk about the vast numbers of bacteria in your body, especially in your digestive tract (which is where roughly 80 percent of your natural defenses are found). And when a healthy digestive balance is upset because of things like poor diet, stress or other factors, the result can be not only poor digestion, but a total breakdown in health.
If you’ve been having persistent health problems that you and your doctor just can’t seem to figure out no matter what you try, it may be time to look at what’s going on in your gut. And to do that, there are two absolutely essential tests that I recommend starting with. One is called a comprehensive stool analysis (CDSA or CSAP) and it’s really pretty remarkable. It evaluates your poop (now don’t cringe, this is important!) and looks at things like how you are digesting your food, as well as your levels of good and bad bacteria, whether pathogenic organisms such as C. difficile are present, what your yeast levels are, and if there are parasites in the gut.
The CDSA will also show you whether you have Leaky Gut Syndrome or inflammation in your digestive system, and it will show you how well your gut immunity is working, along with important gut health markers such as pH, blood, short-chain fatty acids and even how well your pancreas is functioning. These are all extremely important aspects of gut health that together can help you get to the bottom of what is going on in the rest of your body. Again, I can’t stress enough how connected your overall health is to what’s going on in your gut!
The other test is a gluten sensitivity test. Why gluten sensitivity? Because wheat gluten is a major (if not the worst) food irritant to the digestive system, and it is in a huge number of products on the market today—not just bread. Seriously folks, more than 40 percent of Americans are gluten sensitive and most don’t even know it, and 2 million of those have a serious autoimmune disorder called celiac disease, which causes the body to try to attack gluten in the system. And because even a lot of GI doctors don’t understand the difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, most will either label you as having celiac or nothing, which can be extremely frustrating when you don’t feel well and are trying to figure out what’s wrong (read more about this here).The bottom line is that people are having all these problems which could lead to bigger problems later on, and the reality is those problems can be helped.
Both of these tests are non-invasive and can be done right at home (visit and for more information). Then, all you have to do is send the tests to the lab for analysis (prepaid envelopes are provided) and hopefully take the first step toward getting your health back on track. If they seem expensive, think about it this way: how much money do you spend each week or each month on frivolous things you really don’t need? Isn’t your health a hundred times more important than a $4 latte every morning? And even if your insurance doesn’t cover the cost right away, you may be eligible for reimbursement, so I beg you—make this investment in your health. It’s worth it to get to the root of your problems and start enjoying the vibrant health and energy you deserve!!
Yours in good heath,
Brenda Watson, N.D., C.N.C.
Regarding pH of the gut...
Balancing pH
What's important to know about pH is that most grains, all meats and sugary foods are acid-forming foods in the body while most fruits (even citrus) and vegetables are alkaline-forming (though they may be acid in their raw, undigested form). The consensus among experts in the natural health field seems to be that the ideal diet would consist of 80 percent alkaline- forming foods and 20 percent acid forming foods. That means more fruits and vegetables should be eaten than meas and grains. The SAD (Standard American Diet) is backward, with emphasis on starchy carbohydrates and meat. This imbalance can be corrected by adding fruits and vegetables to the diet while limiting starchy carbohydrates.A green salad at least once per day and at least one cooked green vegetable daily, gradually adding more greens, will achieve an ideal diet. In addition to increasing the number of salads and vegetables eaten, you may wish to add green drinks to your daily routine. - Brenda Watson The Detox Strategy page 153
Coming Soon!
Tomorrow I'll write about my new favorite food: beets. Yeah, I know, I know... but I'm serious. Also coming soon is intestinal health and depression - yes, that is right, you can be depressed just because your gut flora is wrong! I'm not making it up!
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